You can make life-changing research possible

Donate Now to make a lasting impact! Every patient facing a life-threatening cancer diagnosis should have access to clinical trials, no matter the type or stage of their disease or where they live.

Linear is a conduit bringing cancer patients, their treating doctors and world-class novel treatments together, thereby providing hope, time and quality of life for the patient and their families.

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Stories from healthy volunteers trial participants

Meet some of the thousands of people who join Linear clinical trials every year to help advance medical research.
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Colorectal Cancer
If you can get on a suitable trial for your type of cancer grab the opportunity with both hands. There are some great people who work at Linear and I genuinely enjoy coming into the clinic for treatment.
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The Menopause Study
Ruth H
Joondalup Early Phase Clinic
The whole experience was fantastic the staff were very professional but also had a fun calm element to them which made our stay perfect.
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The Blood Study
Andy L
Joondalup Early Phase Clinic
People will forget what you said, what you did, but will never forget how you made them feel. I'm so thankful to all the staffs, I've had an awesome stay. Made a friend as well. Couldn't ask for more.
Colorectal Cancer
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If you can get on a suitable trial for your type of cancer grab the opportunity with both hands. There are some great people who work at Linear and I genuinely enjoy coming into the clinic for treatment.
The Menopause Study
Ruth H
Joondalup Early Phase Clinic
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The whole experience was fantastic the staff were very professional but also had a fun calm element to them which made our stay perfect.
The Blood Study
Andy L
Joondalup Early Phase Clinic
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People will forget what you said, what you did, but will never forget how you made them feel. I'm so thankful to all the staffs, I've had an awesome stay. Made a friend as well. Couldn't ask for more.