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How to become a participant in clinical trials?

What is a clinical trial?


Clinical trials are only possible thanks to the help of our volunteers. Becoming one of our clinical trial participants requires a few easy steps. After answering a few preliminary questions online, a member of Linear Clinical Research will contact you to arrange a screening visit. If you are eligible to participate, we will arrange for you to come and start the trial. Participants in our clinical trials are paid and receive their remuneration after their follow-up visit.

Clinical trials are a crucial part of the process of developing, licensing and bringing new life-changing, life-saving drugs and therapies to patients. Trials ensure that new treatments are both safe and effective, enabling medical practitioners and patients to use them confidently.

Some clinical trials are conducted to establish whether already-approved drugs can be used to treat different conditions, but most trials are for new drugs and innovations – a completely new way of treating a disease or illness, thereby providing choices and hope for patients.

More about trialsAre trials safe?

How can you get onto a trial?

Watch the video below to learn the 6 steps you need to take to become a Linear trial participant!

six steps of medical research


Find out if you’re eligible


Attend our world-class facility for screening. Our medical doctors will confirm your eligibility to participate


Check-In & Check-Out in our world class facility by our knowledgeable team of medical doctors


After your follow-up visit, you are remunerated for participating

How are new therapies developed?

New drugs and therapies have to go through extensive testing before they are tested in clinical trials on humans.


Laboratory development
and testing.


Safety testing before human trials.


Ethics-committee approved testing on a small number of healthy individuals or patients to determine safe dosing range.


Ethics-committee approved testing on effectiveness of treatment

Help our clinical research team turn medical innovations into safe, effective treatments that will change and save lives. Enjoy world-class care and recreational facilities, with free wifi, meals and entertainment. And get paid. 

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