Join a Clinical Trial
in Perth, WA

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Current clinical trials

7 trials found
We know you might have some questions.
Find everything you want to know about clinical trials before you dive in.
7 trials found
EOI | New Study $5000 - $6000

EOI | New Study Coming Soon

3 night stay, 8 follow ups
18 - 65 years old
Males and females
Physical Condition
Have no significant medical conditions
Research Location
Joondalup Early Phase Clinic
Have a BMI between 18 and 32kg/m2
Healthy Participants

Usher Syndrome Study Part 2

8 night stay, 2-3 follow ups
18 - 45 years old
Healthy males and females
Physical Condition
Have NO significant medical conditions
Have a BMI between 18 and 32kg/m2
Healthy Participants

The Skin Study

3 nights, 8 appointments
18 - 65 years old
Healthy males and females
Physical Condition
Have NO significant medical conditions
Research Location
Joondalup Early Phase Clinic
Have a BMI between 18 and 32kg/m2
EOI | New Study $6000 - $8000

EOI | New Study Coming Soon

4 night stay, 6-12 follow ups
18 - 45 years old
Males and females
Physical Condition
Have no significant medical conditions
Research Location
Joondalup Early Phase Clinic
Have a BMI between 18 and 32kg/m2
We know you might have some questions.
Find everything you want to know about clinical trials before you dive in.
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Hear Our Stories

Meet some of the thousands of people who join Linear clinical trials every year to help advance medical research.
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The Menopause Study
Ruth H
Joondalup Early Phase Clinic
The whole experience was fantastic the staff were very professional but also had a fun calm element to them which made our stay perfect.
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The Antibody Study
Matthew S
Joondalup Early Phase Clinic
I felt cared for and was provided with great amenities and food. The staff were amazing and kind and I enjoyed it.
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The Blood Study
Andy L
Joondalup Early Phase Clinic
People will forget what you said, what you did, but will never forget how you made them feel. I'm so thankful to all the staffs, I've had an awesome stay. Made a friend as well. Couldn't ask for more.
The Menopause Study
Ruth H
Joondalup Early Phase Clinic
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The whole experience was fantastic the staff were very professional but also had a fun calm element to them which made our stay perfect.
The Antibody Study
Matthew S
Joondalup Early Phase Clinic
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I felt cared for and was provided with great amenities and food. The staff were amazing and kind and I enjoyed it.
The Blood Study
Andy L
Joondalup Early Phase Clinic
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People will forget what you said, what you did, but will never forget how you made them feel. I'm so thankful to all the staffs, I've had an awesome stay. Made a friend as well. Couldn't ask for more.